When a baby has diarrhea, he needs to get enough fluid and food to keep him from getting dehydrated. However, not all foods are suitable for babies when they have diarrhea. So, what kinds of foods are suitable to be given when the baby has diarrhea and how to overcome them? Diarrhea in babies is most often caused by a viral infection. But sometimes, diarrhea experienced by infants can also be caused by bacterial or parasitic infections, poisoning, drinking too much fruit juice, to the side effects of drugs. Babies can also experience diarrhea due to an allergy to formula milk that he consumes or lactose intolerance. Under normal conditions, babies do defecate frequently (more often than adults). However, babies are said to have diarrhea if the texture of the feces that were originally dense turn out to be more watery (diarrhea), or if bowel movements occur more frequently, causing it to limp or fuss. Handling and Food For Baby Diarrhea Diarrhea caused by a viral infection can re...